Tuesday, June 28, 2011

After Rhinoplasty or Nose Surgery

With modern surgical techniques there can be the risk of increased bleeding. but normally things are contained in such a way that after the surgical procedure of a nose job, is not necessarily classical tampons that are used, but sometimes Silikonsplinds or a swelling tube. These can usually be removed after 1 -5 days. For a total of about 1-2 weeks, the nose is also fixed by plaster or plaster strips in its new form.

When the surgery is complete, a splint will be applied to help your nose maintain its new shape. Dr. Bermant uses special techniques to minimize the need for nasal packing. Occasionally soft rubber internal splints are placed inside the nose to stabilize the septum, the dividing wall between the air passages. After surgery-particularly during the first twenty-four hours-your face will feel puffy, your nose may ache, and you may have a dull headache. You can control any discomfort with the pain medication.

image of surgery.Plan on staying in bed with your head elevated (except for going to the bathroom) for the first day. In the first days after nose surgery,conservation is very important. One should sleep in the first period after the surgery only on the back and with your head elevated. For about 5 days, depending on the direction of a physician, only eat liquid or soft food. Most rhinoplasty patients are up and about within two days, and able to return to school or sedentary work a few days to a week or so following surgery. It will be several weeks, however, before you're entirely up to speed. In the meantime, you might experience some unexpected reactions from family and friends.

They may say they don't see a major difference in your nose. Or they may act resentful, especially if you've changed something they view as a family or ethnic trait. If that happens, try to keep in mind why you decided to have this surgery in the first place. If you've met your goals, then your surgery is a success. After surgery, your nose and eyes will be swollen and bruised, they may ache, and your face will feel puffy. The extent of this will depend on the extent of the operation and if the nasal bones were broken.

The swelling and discoloration increase in the first few days and then will subside after the first week or so. Your upper lip and tip of your nose may feel numb for a few months. You'll also feel like you have a cold for the first few weeks because of the congestion of the nasal passageways. A little bleeding is common during the first few days following surgery. Any sudden increase in bleeding or pain should be reported to your physician

After a nose job more severe swelling and bruising can be expected in the face that should start to go down after the first two to three weeks to some extent. However, the end result could still take months. Take the time to ensure that your nose properly heals. The nose is delicate and you will greatly reduce your chance of complications and secondary surgery by following your doctor's advice carefully.  A good diet helps the healing process.

Start your recovery with a mild liquid diet (water, juice, soup or broth). It's important that your stomach is settled before you resume normal eating and drinking. Vomiting can interfere with your recovery and healing time.

Keep your head elevated while you sleep. You should also keep your head up during the day and avoid bending over. This will minimize swelling. You may have a slightly longer recovery period, if your surgery required breaking the nasal bones. You are usually able to return back to work in 10 days-3 weeks with make-up. Although the final result will be apparent in about 2 weeks, small changes may continue to occur over the next 6-12 months. The final outcome depends upon your age, skin type, and healing ability.

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