Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Early Detection to Dog Problems

Unfortunately, it often happens that diseased animals are brought in the practice too late, when their sufferings are severe or when there is no salvation. This means not only great suffering for the animal in extreme disease states but also considerable costs of treatment. Here is some guidance for pet owners to help them detect if something is wrong with the four-legged friends early.

The fur is a large display board. You can know if something is wrong with a pet if you look at its fur. A healthy animal has strong, shiny fur with well defined colors, according to its breed. The hair structure is not random. The fur is stuck on the skin. Hair loss is only characteristic in spring and autumn. Any type of discolored, dull, brittle or greasy-looking skin or care felting fur and extremely strong smells as well as newly developing fur or change of the location of the fur (over the ribs, fur on top) are not normal.


Each animal can scratch once or two times a day, however, frequent scratching, rubbing, nibbling and rubbing against objects are conspicuous and not normal.

picture of dogs.
Personality change

Pet owners know their companion. Those who are committed to animal care will certainly notice pretty quickly if their behavior changes, for example, if the animal is very quiet and sleep a lot more than usual, does not play or romps or if it is more isolated. They will also know that something is wrong if the animal is overly active and shows a lot of nervousness, even if it is restless at night or has altered sleeping positions (for example, no longer stays on the abdomen). Also, sudden aggressive behavior or fearful animals also indicate that something is wrong.

Of course, the feeding behavior may also change and the animal may drink too much or too little. But a sudden craving or aversion to something sets (for example, eating soil, eating its own feces, not eating meat anymore, licking metal, wood, eat, etc.) is an anomaly. Are the eyes clear, lively, all pursuing? Or are they bloody, with yellowish or white secretions in the conjunctiva? Is the eyelid skin red or thickened? All these indicate disease. Does the dog shake its head or scratch its ears or does it have bad breath or reddened swollen gums? These symptoms indicate that it needs help fast.


Does the animal have scaly skin or moist or dry eczema? Digging, itching, rashes or pimple are also symptoms that suggest an inner disease, as well as persistent diarrhea, a lot of bloating, frequent urination and discoloration of the feces or urine. These are some significant symptoms that can be easily seen mainly externally.

The disease may spread and all these symptoms have a cause that is usually in the body, only trained therapists being betrayed by the outward signs. The body has language which speaks about the so-called segment fields. These are outer skin zones that correspond to a specific internal organ. For example, the animal has some reddened gums. The trained therapist is already taking this very serious symptom into account because the body tells him that the kidneys are not functioning properly. The cause must be found and eliminated quickly (usually the protein-rich diet is the cause). The first segment field (gums/mouth) has responded. If this does not happen, there is a metabolic overload.

Another segment field will respond to itching, for example.In most common cases the problem is the dog flea but this is easy to treat. One who knows the responses can ask the therapist for help. If this is not taken, the animal's tail will be bleeding, which also corresponds to another segment field. The disease progresses, so you need to do more than just treat the local symptoms. The cause must be eliminated and the sooner the better because chain reactions can be triggered in the body and they will be more violent. There are good chances to prevent chronic diseases if the pet owners know what is abnormal and what it natural in their dog's behavior.

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