The study of a installing heated floor is based on a number of intangibles rules:
The insulation should consist in foamed plastics exclusively;
The exposed pipes and related equipment (pumps, control valves...) must be insulated;
The thermal resistance over the tube is limited to 0.13 m² K/W.
Slab coating: 0.04 m² K/W.
Flooring: 0.09 m² K/W.
+ coating mass per unit area of floor - 160 kg/m² max - to minimize the thermal inertia. The insulation should be about 7 cm thick;
Ventilation of the premises;
The average difference in temperature imposed during the construction or major renovation and every day to reduce the heat input to a minimum.
The device limits the flow temperature at the entrance of cooling system in the summer. The flow temperature is defined according to the geographical location.
The device is independent of the regulations that automatically cut the production of cold water when the fluid temperature reaches 12 ° C.
Thermostats are programmed not to go below 24 ° C.
Calculations in cooling mode
The coefficient of heat transfer through the floor is calculated so as not to exceed 7 m² K/W.
The transmission power:
An ambient temperature of 24 ° C; Delta T = 31 ° C; 18/21 W/m².
An ambient temperature of 27 ° C; Delta T = 49 ° C; 18/22 W/m².
An ambient temperature of 28 ° C; Delta T = 54 ° C; 18/22 W/m².
Note: Condensation is the return of water vapor in liquid form. The temperature descends below the dew point when the air comes into contact with a cold wall and the water vapor it contains condenses.
Floor heating: The pitch of the tubes
The heating network is called loop or ground.
There is a loop that adapts the heating system to the desired temperature.
The pitch (or spacing) of tubes ranges between 5 and 35 cm (statutory limits).
It is determined based on preliminary calculations of the heat necessary to cover the area.
The tube diameter should also be taken into account:
Common diameters: 10 × 12 mm, 13 × 16 mm, 16 × 20 mm, 20 × 25 mm.
Common sizes: 13 × 16 (120 m max L.) and 16 × 20 mm (160 m max L.).
Number of tubes: What is the right density?
The density (or charge) of tubes depends on the area to be heated.
In principle, the density is higher near the exterior walls and windows to offset the decrease in heat radiation of the cold walls (discomfort).
The density is lower in the rest of the loop so as to obtain an initial temperature as low as possible without reducing the level of comfort.
Sample reports:
20 cm in the middle surface: 10 cm edge.
30 cm in the middle surface: 15 cm edge.
A line must be arranged:
5 cm along the vertical structures (walls, fixed equipment...);
20 cm around chimneys, flues and stair cavities.
Note: In theory, the cooling mode requires a density greater than the heating mode because the tubes have to absorb the maximum amount of ambient heat. In fact, the simple solution often leads designers to base their calculations on the initial temperature of the heating fluid. They act on the flow and speed to optimize the refreshing capacity.
The types of installation of underfloor heating systems
There are two principles:
Coil loops;
Snail loops.
In the past, snail loops guaranteed a better distribution of heat (limited losses) in little or poorly insulated buildings. However, today coil loops are more popular because of the softer thermal requirements and the simplicity of implementation.
Note: An edge of 5 cm is the maximum conceivable with a snail loop, which raises the tubes in a quarter-round bow (90 °). The half-round bending (180 °) of the coils is virtually impossible to achieve with the current tube diameters.
Underfloor heating: The layout plan
The layout plan embodies the thorough study of the heating system. It is reproduced to scale for each floor and piece. To this end, the sheets are numbered in chronological order and contain the special features:
The type of installation
The red, blue return lines
The size of the step edge and surface
The passages between rooms
The location of the generator (boiler or heat pump) is also indicated, as well as the collectors and the temperature sensors (internal and external).
The nomenclature of each loop is indicated next to the plane:
The number
The diameter and tube length
The fluid flow
The surface emission capacity...
The main characteristics of collectors are:
The brand
The total thermal power
The thermal reference
The overall throughput
The reference speed
Note: The layout plan is provided to the installer, who must comply with the nomenclature.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
The Need for Dog Training
Dog owners sometimes doubt the necessity of dog training for various reasons. Some simply do not want to train their dogs or the puppy is so cute and clumsy that the owner does not want to harm it in any way. And then there is the humanizing point of view. Some people claim that education prevents the dog from developing its personality freely.
Puppies are really cute and they generally do not harm anyone, but an uneducated puppy may turn into an adult dog with no limits and even quite dangerous in a remarkably short period of time. Therefore, it is very important that the puppy is taught some boundaries. A well-trained dog has much more freedom because it does not bother anyone.

As mentioned earlier, dog training is very important. In fact, it is quite indispensable. The dog can only truly have that mental stimulation set into motion through training. A dog must always learn something if it ever wants to be the pride of its family because certain situations require for a certain type of behavior. The dog is physically romp and cannot do whatever you want if it is a burden and poses a risk towards someone in the room or to itself.
There are several reasons why dog training is important both for the dog and for the dog owner. Done correctly, it makes the dog (and its owners) a lot more fun, promotes its intellectual abilities and gives it an opportunity to prove its physical dexterity and stamina. Dog training gives the dog the confidence that it is an important and valuable member of its human pack.
Those who do not want to train their dog should not even keep a dog. One should be clear about the necessity of education before purchasing a dog. They should also be aware of the fact that this is a very time-consuming activity. Dog ownership is not a passive kind of job. It requires a lot of work. Anyone who is not willing to do this work will have problems with their dog sooner or later or will have to do additional work. Other than that, it is almost impossible to keep an uneducated dog for dog ownership means that the dog can always be around its owner and knows how to do things right.
Puppies are really cute and they generally do not harm anyone, but an uneducated puppy may turn into an adult dog with no limits and even quite dangerous in a remarkably short period of time. Therefore, it is very important that the puppy is taught some boundaries. A well-trained dog has much more freedom because it does not bother anyone.
The dog can be educated
Anyone who thinks that dogs cannot develop their personality freely if they are educated should understand that dogs are not human beings on four legs. Dogs do not strive for self-realization. They strive for having a safe place in their pack. The dog wants to make its own decisions because this gives it a sense of belonging. The same goes for wolves. Wolves do not make decisions individually if they are members of a pack of wolves. A pack is about more than unity. It is also about subordination. A dog owner has to let it dog be what it wants to be. They have to show it what it has to do and when it is allowed to do a certain thing and then let it make all the decisions by itself. Dogs are pack animals, not individualist animals.Dog training is important for both dogs and dog owners
Dog training is important both for the dog and for the dog owner. The dog owner wants a dog which can act as a nice fellow and does not harass or disturb anyone, does not pose any danger to anyone and behaves nicely in everyday life. Such a dog can accompany a man at all times. The dog wants to be trusted, to be fully recognized in its pack and to always belong. The dog needs mental stimulation and physical exercise and it also needs to feel useful.As mentioned earlier, dog training is very important. In fact, it is quite indispensable. The dog can only truly have that mental stimulation set into motion through training. A dog must always learn something if it ever wants to be the pride of its family because certain situations require for a certain type of behavior. The dog is physically romp and cannot do whatever you want if it is a burden and poses a risk towards someone in the room or to itself.
There are several reasons why dog training is important both for the dog and for the dog owner. Done correctly, it makes the dog (and its owners) a lot more fun, promotes its intellectual abilities and gives it an opportunity to prove its physical dexterity and stamina. Dog training gives the dog the confidence that it is an important and valuable member of its human pack.
Those who do not want to train their dog should not even keep a dog. One should be clear about the necessity of education before purchasing a dog. They should also be aware of the fact that this is a very time-consuming activity. Dog ownership is not a passive kind of job. It requires a lot of work. Anyone who is not willing to do this work will have problems with their dog sooner or later or will have to do additional work. Other than that, it is almost impossible to keep an uneducated dog for dog ownership means that the dog can always be around its owner and knows how to do things right.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Photographic equipment, travel, customs and camera buying abroad
The bags are packed and the next holiday is imminent. The joy is great, you will eventually recover and discover many new designs and photographs. You may be lurking in anticipation of some unpleasant surprises for the traveler with camera equipment. In the following, I would like to give some tips on how to save yourself as a photographer on vacation from a lot of stress and anger and so can devote yourself to relaxed travel photography classes.

The law actually likes to prove that as a photographer, one has the duty to buy his camera equipment in Germany, or even import legally registered and taxed ones. One cannot prove this on the spot at the customs check There is a suspicion of smuggling, which means in consequence that the entire photo equipment is seized. It is needed to provide the proof of purchase in Germany. In this situation on the ground, this means the camera equipment may be confiscated. You have to go home, get all the bills, go back to the airport to submit the bills to get the camera equipment back.
In order to prove to the customs that you have acquired this photographic equipment in Germany, there are the following possibilities:
It is better to carry copies of the invoices. These are probably recognized by the customs.
However, it is extremely annoying to carry a stack of invoices and invoice copies, even more so in a more extensive photographic equipment .
In order to facilitate the customs officials to work faster and to have a simplified identity, it is recommended to create a list of all photographic equipment with serial numbers that can be attached to the form of customs officials. (The form is very small)
The advantage is that you must carry only one piece of paper with it. The disadvantage of the simplified identity is that it has a limited validity and, are therefore in principle, issued before each journey to the non-European countries.
Before leaving on vacation
Prior to photo equipment in the aircraft, you should already have thought at the re-entry to Germany, especially if you are planning a trip to the U.S. or Asia. The re-entry to Germany may lead to the German Customs to suspect that you have purchased its top quality photo equipment abroad and have acquired the camera equipment cheaper.
The law actually likes to prove that as a photographer, one has the duty to buy his camera equipment in Germany, or even import legally registered and taxed ones. One cannot prove this on the spot at the customs check There is a suspicion of smuggling, which means in consequence that the entire photo equipment is seized. It is needed to provide the proof of purchase in Germany. In this situation on the ground, this means the camera equipment may be confiscated. You have to go home, get all the bills, go back to the airport to submit the bills to get the camera equipment back.
In order to prove to the customs that you have acquired this photographic equipment in Germany, there are the following possibilities:
Invoices / Better: copies of invoices
You can carry all the statements of the individual components of his photographic equipment and submit when required. However, this is not useful, because in the event that one is robbed, invoices are also lost. The consequence may be that you get problems with the camera insurance, if required by the bills to settle claims. Moreover, the thief of the bills in your hand can claim that he has purchased the camera for sale, along with the bills.
It is better to carry copies of the invoices. These are probably recognized by the customs.
However, it is extremely annoying to carry a stack of invoices and invoice copies, even more so in a more extensive photographic equipment .
Simplified identity
The elegant variation is somewhat time consuming. The simpler identity issues is for each customs authority. It proves that one has bought his camera equipment in Germany. The photo equipment and all invoices may be taken to the next customs office at the airport by customs officials to spot a simplified of identity issue. This is free.
In order to facilitate the customs officials to work faster and to have a simplified identity, it is recommended to create a list of all photographic equipment with serial numbers that can be attached to the form of customs officials. (The form is very small)
The advantage is that you must carry only one piece of paper with it. The disadvantage of the simplified identity is that it has a limited validity and, are therefore in principle, issued before each journey to the non-European countries.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The Gambling Treaty Costs the States more than 14 Billion USD
Lottery companies provided financial assistance in many areas. For example, they helped young sporting talents to go to the Olympics, they helped with the preservation of cultural monuments and supported youth orchestras. Whether this financial aid could be sustained for a long period of time or not was still questionable for in 2005, there were 5 billion USD were available in taxes and incomes, while in 2011 the sum decreased to 3.5 billion USD. This decrease was due to the treaty on gaming signed in 2008, which forced lotteries to slash their generous support.
Even if the revenues remained constant in 2010 and 2011, the revenue losses added up to 13.8 billion USD until the end of 2011, when the treaty was suspended. The treaty is important even with online casino.
A total of about 6.2 billion USD in taxes and duties were lost. These figures did not have anything to do with the decline of profits of lotteries and casino operators. Therefore, the lottery association called for an immediate reevaluation of the situation. Norman Faber, President of the Lottery Association, said: "The longer the misery is maintained, the harder it will be to stop the downward trend, let alone reverse the situation." The online casino are also included in this.
The treaty on gaming, which was legally and politically controversial, included significant advertising restrictions, a ban on internet sales and other restrictions in an attempt to combat the problem of gambling addiction. Although addiction experts assessed the risk of addiction to the classic Lotto 6 out of 49 and to the lower class lotteries, the treaty on gaming only considered their negative effects. On the other hand, the revenues from slots rose from 5.5 billion USD in 2005 to 8.1 billion USD in 2008.
"This clearly shows that the stated aim of the treaty, namely the avoidance of gambling addiction, is completely absurd," said Faber. Therefore, the lottery association required an immediate reduction of the advertising campaings and sales restrictions on innocent lotteries.
A forecast published in 2008 associated the total losses of revenue that started at around 5 million USD with the rapid decline in gambling revenues.
Class lotteries, casinos, lottery outlets and thousands of commercial gaming agents are threatened by the treaty on gaming and thousands of jobs are in imminent danger.
A total of about 6.2 billion USD in taxes and duties were lost. These figures did not have anything to do with the decline of profits of lotteries and casino operators. Therefore, the lottery association called for an immediate reevaluation of the situation. Norman Faber, President of the Lottery Association, said: "The longer the misery is maintained, the harder it will be to stop the downward trend, let alone reverse the situation." The online casino are also included in this.
The treaty on gaming, which was legally and politically controversial, included significant advertising restrictions, a ban on internet sales and other restrictions in an attempt to combat the problem of gambling addiction. Although addiction experts assessed the risk of addiction to the classic Lotto 6 out of 49 and to the lower class lotteries, the treaty on gaming only considered their negative effects. On the other hand, the revenues from slots rose from 5.5 billion USD in 2005 to 8.1 billion USD in 2008.
"This clearly shows that the stated aim of the treaty, namely the avoidance of gambling addiction, is completely absurd," said Faber. Therefore, the lottery association required an immediate reduction of the advertising campaings and sales restrictions on innocent lotteries.
A forecast published in 2008 associated the total losses of revenue that started at around 5 million USD with the rapid decline in gambling revenues.
Class lotteries, casinos, lottery outlets and thousands of commercial gaming agents are threatened by the treaty on gaming and thousands of jobs are in imminent danger.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
New Puppie: Are You Looking to Buy a Second Dog
You may be looking to buy another dog, but:
You are afraid to break the harmony in your home right now.
You are afraid to disrupt the first one, which is already a little older and has developed certain habits.
You fear that your dog will have aggressive reactions towards the little invader.
You assume it is going to feel abandoned and possibly develop a destructive felling of jealousy.
And you fear you may not be able to handle all possible reactions.
You need not worry. But, it is important that you are aware of the ticks on dogs and the ways of removing ticks from dogs.
First of all, your "senior" will be afraid for your life when you introduce your little home newcomer. It will try to chase away the puppy. This can last from 15 days to sometimes two to three months in extreme cases.
Do not change anything! Talk and act normally.
You should say No if the small one wants to sleep in the basket of your senior dog. Set up its own basket and teach it to sleep there. The two dogs should only sleep together in one basket when their relationships are perfect. Your dog should always feel "home".
If the puppy gets three to four meals per day, you must watch the senior dog not to try to eat its kibble. Similarly, the young dog should not eat the kibble of the old one. You should introduce the little dog to its own plate from day one. The two should get used to eating from their plates without addressing the other's. You should avoid overconsumption when you weigh the croquettes just to make sure that the two do not fight over them. Of course, the older dog must always be served first and the little one second. This is true when removing ticks from dogs. Ticks on dogs make them uncomfortable.
If you have a tray for peeing, you should not allow the little one to go to it whenever it wants. It should wait for the other to do its business.
Always grooming the elder dog first and reward it in the end as usual. Then groom the little one and reward it in the end. This way you can express your love towards both of them.
Make play a priority and comfort your older dog when it is sad. Avoid latex toys and solid and very noisy toys as they encourage it to play alone. Toys are very useful when you leave home.
The youngster will try to seduce the senior all the time and its facial expressions will bear fruit sooner or later. But do not be afraid of aggressive reactions of the older dogs. They will protect the young ones unless they bite with their small sharp teeth when they play. The elder will make a big roar to let it know not to repeat it and it will stop.
Cuddle your oldest dog first as usual and only then cuddle the young dog. Be moderately affectionate so that neither of the two feels discouraged or jealous.
The older dog must remain the leader under all circumstances. This is indisputable.
You are afraid to break the harmony in your home right now.
You are afraid to disrupt the first one, which is already a little older and has developed certain habits.
You fear that your dog will have aggressive reactions towards the little invader.
You assume it is going to feel abandoned and possibly develop a destructive felling of jealousy.
And you fear you may not be able to handle all possible reactions.
First of all, your "senior" will be afraid for your life when you introduce your little home newcomer. It will try to chase away the puppy. This can last from 15 days to sometimes two to three months in extreme cases.
Do not change anything! Talk and act normally.
You should say No if the small one wants to sleep in the basket of your senior dog. Set up its own basket and teach it to sleep there. The two dogs should only sleep together in one basket when their relationships are perfect. Your dog should always feel "home".
If the puppy gets three to four meals per day, you must watch the senior dog not to try to eat its kibble. Similarly, the young dog should not eat the kibble of the old one. You should introduce the little dog to its own plate from day one. The two should get used to eating from their plates without addressing the other's. You should avoid overconsumption when you weigh the croquettes just to make sure that the two do not fight over them. Of course, the older dog must always be served first and the little one second. This is true when removing ticks from dogs. Ticks on dogs make them uncomfortable.
If you have a tray for peeing, you should not allow the little one to go to it whenever it wants. It should wait for the other to do its business.
Always grooming the elder dog first and reward it in the end as usual. Then groom the little one and reward it in the end. This way you can express your love towards both of them.
Make play a priority and comfort your older dog when it is sad. Avoid latex toys and solid and very noisy toys as they encourage it to play alone. Toys are very useful when you leave home.
The youngster will try to seduce the senior all the time and its facial expressions will bear fruit sooner or later. But do not be afraid of aggressive reactions of the older dogs. They will protect the young ones unless they bite with their small sharp teeth when they play. The elder will make a big roar to let it know not to repeat it and it will stop.
Cuddle your oldest dog first as usual and only then cuddle the young dog. Be moderately affectionate so that neither of the two feels discouraged or jealous.
The older dog must remain the leader under all circumstances. This is indisputable.
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