Puppies are really cute and they generally do not harm anyone, but an uneducated puppy may turn into an adult dog with no limits and even quite dangerous in a remarkably short period of time. Therefore, it is very important that the puppy is taught some boundaries. A well-trained dog has much more freedom because it does not bother anyone.
The dog can be educated
Anyone who thinks that dogs cannot develop their personality freely if they are educated should understand that dogs are not human beings on four legs. Dogs do not strive for self-realization. They strive for having a safe place in their pack. The dog wants to make its own decisions because this gives it a sense of belonging. The same goes for wolves. Wolves do not make decisions individually if they are members of a pack of wolves. A pack is about more than unity. It is also about subordination. A dog owner has to let it dog be what it wants to be. They have to show it what it has to do and when it is allowed to do a certain thing and then let it make all the decisions by itself. Dogs are pack animals, not individualist animals.Dog training is important for both dogs and dog owners
Dog training is important both for the dog and for the dog owner. The dog owner wants a dog which can act as a nice fellow and does not harass or disturb anyone, does not pose any danger to anyone and behaves nicely in everyday life. Such a dog can accompany a man at all times. The dog wants to be trusted, to be fully recognized in its pack and to always belong. The dog needs mental stimulation and physical exercise and it also needs to feel useful.As mentioned earlier, dog training is very important. In fact, it is quite indispensable. The dog can only truly have that mental stimulation set into motion through training. A dog must always learn something if it ever wants to be the pride of its family because certain situations require for a certain type of behavior. The dog is physically romp and cannot do whatever you want if it is a burden and poses a risk towards someone in the room or to itself.
There are several reasons why dog training is important both for the dog and for the dog owner. Done correctly, it makes the dog (and its owners) a lot more fun, promotes its intellectual abilities and gives it an opportunity to prove its physical dexterity and stamina. Dog training gives the dog the confidence that it is an important and valuable member of its human pack.
Those who do not want to train their dog should not even keep a dog. One should be clear about the necessity of education before purchasing a dog. They should also be aware of the fact that this is a very time-consuming activity. Dog ownership is not a passive kind of job. It requires a lot of work. Anyone who is not willing to do this work will have problems with their dog sooner or later or will have to do additional work. Other than that, it is almost impossible to keep an uneducated dog for dog ownership means that the dog can always be around its owner and knows how to do things right.
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