Aikido principles and philosophy
Ai Harmony, as an overall principle of aikido, merge; it also means loveKi Original power, intellectual and spiritual strength, breathing force
Thu Path, doctrine, philosophy, principle, method
Aikido is a defensive martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba from older forms of martial arts.
Kokoro Heart, "language of the heart" between the teacher and the student, nage and uke. It also means soul, feeling and inner attitude.
Nin/Shinobu Patience with the self and with others
Mu Absolute nothingness, lack of arrest
Muskin Absolute serenity of intention (unintentional throws)
Sen-sen-no Anticipation of the attacker; the moment when the intention to attack the enemy is not identifiable by the movement, intuitive reaction.
Zan-shin Completion, finality
Ko-kyu Mental current that accompanies every aikido technique and is present in all aikido lessons (Ko = inhalation, Kyu = exhalation) manifested as breathing force and mental strength
Kokyu-ho The possibility to lead others by kokyu; breathing force exercise. The attacker is physically or mentally influenced by kokyu. (Ho = law, method, principle)
Kata Literally, "form", "model", style and perfection, a combination of exercises, fighting a shadow, well-defined and prescribed exercises for the purpose of self-discovery and demonstration. Kata performers dominate the energy of life (as opposed to "waza" = the perception of a technique as a skill and "do" = homage to the philosophical and spiritual aspects)
Hara Abdomen, physical and spiritual body center, strength center, the center of vital energy (Ki), slightly below the belly button
Kime Focus, center
Kiai Literally, "mind-meeting", penetrating (often crippling) cry that is pressed out through the coordination of the respiration and physical activity in the peak or in the final defense position. Kiai marks the unity of ki, the unity between the spirit and the body.
Awase Association with the partner’s ki (awaseru = match, connection)
Ki-no-nagare Ki (energy) flow in advanced aikido techniques; nagare = flow
Families of words or phrases
Ireru Occur (see Irimi)Hineru Bend (see kote hineri)
Juji Cross (see juji garami)
Kaesu Reverse (see gaeshi, kaeshi)
Karamaru Blow (see juji garami)
Katameru Fix, immobilize (see katame waza)
Cubic Neck (see cubic shime)
Mawasu Twist (see kote mawashi)
Garami Rotated grip
Osaeru Dominate, suppress, hold (see tekubi osae)
Otosu Drop (aiki otoshi = false)
Semeru Attack (seme = attacker)
Senaka Back (see seno undo)
Shimeru Choking (see cubic shime)
Sumi Corner (see sumi otoshi)
Toma Great distance from partners (see katate toma uchi)
Toru Take (tori = handle)
Utsue Stroke (uchi = stroke)
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