Friday, November 4, 2011

Fat away under gravity

There are problem areas, which neither asceticism nor sport can handle. These fats will not melt away in spite of strict discipline. Smaller fat pads are usually a matter of disposition. But nowadays, a little help from lipolysis syringe can help to dissolve the fats permanently. The fat-away injection is the ideal method when it comes to the elimination of smaller fat deposits in eye bags, double chin, cheeks, small lipomas, mild cellulite, saddlebags, thighs, upper arms, neck.



The fat solution using an injection (injection lipolysis) is also known lipolysis. The method is based on the active ingredient phosphatidylcholine ( PPC ), it is a soybean-derived natural product. The active ingredient is simply injected very thin needle directly into a fat pad.

Phosphatidylcholine is able to dissolve fat, and that is what it does well when used as injection lipolysis. The fat cells of the treated region are dissolved by the PPC. The lecithin present in the tissue can now automatically break down fat cells. The remains will be gradually replaced by the body's lymphatic system.
In principle, the drug  used in the injection lipolysis is the same with what our bodies do to break down fat. This is actually an imitation of the body's own operations and processes.

The success of this simple treatment is visible after a few days. The effective removal of fat cells is lasting for sure. The fat deposits are simply gone.



image of treatment.
One of the active substances used in injection lipolysis phosphatidylcholine ( PPC ) in Germany is the drug "Lipostabil N". Lipostabil N is a drug prevention and treatment for blocked blood vessels by fat particles (fat embolism). It is injected intravenously. Lipostabil has been approved in Germany for more than 30 years as a drug. This can also help to lower elevated cholesterol levels.
The use of Lipostabil as a cosmetic injection lipolysis, however, has no official approval, although the positive and safe mode of operation has long been known, as shown by some scientific studies. Given this lack of official approval, the treatment with Lipostabil requires your consent.

Risk groups


To really eliminate all complications, the use of Lipostabil must be avoided among those pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with soy allergies or with a disturbed blood coagulation with. To be sure, two weeks before each treatment, no blood-thinning drugs (aspirin, warfarin, aspirin -containing medications) must be taken anymore.

Before treatment you will be advised of course through a detailed discussion of the treatment process and the possible risks.

Steps of an operation


Treatment with the fat away injection is simple and fast. It is an outpatient procedure and usually takes between 15 and 40 minutes. The drug is injected into the fatty tissue and distributed well with an extremely thin needle. It can then immediately trigger the desired effect. A local tenderness, slight swelling and redness after the acute treatment is completely normal and will disappear after a few days.

How many sessions?


Normally, you can expect about 3-4 treatments every few weeks until the fat pads are really melted away permanently. The exact number of treatments is always different from case to case. It  depends on the individual course of treatment.

Lose weight with the fat away injection?


The injection lipolysis is not solution to quickly lose a few pounds. With the fat away injection, only small pockets of fat are treated. For larger weight reduction on cosmetic ways, other methods such as liposuction are more suitable.

Explanatory meeting


If you want to learn more about the possibilities of treatment with the fat away injection, ask us. BellaDerma will provide the necessary information to customers before a treatment is done.

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