Monday, September 26, 2011

Diabetes in Dogs

Similarly to people, dogs can also suffer from diabetes. This metabolic disease consists of the pancreas producing too little insulin, which means that the carbs are not processed very well. The resulting excessive blood sugar content can cause organ damage over time. There can be changes in the eyes and even blindness, damage to the nerves, kidneys and heart disease, these only being some of the possible consequences of untreated diabetes.

Diabetes results from a disturbed interaction of the glands that produce hormones and the autonomic nervous system. The insufficient insulin secretion in the pancreas leads to the carbohydrates contained in the diet not being burned completely, causing the blood sugar level to rise and the sugar to be eliminated through the urine. The symptoms of diabetes develop gradually over a long period of time.The
first disease symptoms such as increased thirst, intense hunger, reduced capacity and increased urine output occur gradually and can easily be overlooked. The so-called diabetes can be detected very easily through laboratory tests. Typical features include increased blood sugar levels and the presence of sugar in the urine. Diabetes reduces the effectiveness of the immune system, thereby increasing the dog’s susceptibility to disease.

For dogs, the diagnosis of diabetes has a number of consequences. First of all, they probably need a lifetime supply of regular insulin, which may be adapted to the changes in hormone levels. The blood sugar levels in a diabetes affected dog must be checked and adjusted constantly just like with people. Only then can long-term damages be delayed or avoided. Some accompanying therapeutic measures must be adhered to if a dog suffers from diabetes.

The most important is the attitude of the animal and then reaching the optimal body weight. A strict discipline with regard to feeding, the feed amounts and the timing of feeding is to be developed and maintained. The medicinal properties of the insulin preparation, in particular the duration and the effective date, must be included in this concept, too. The mental and physical stress of the sick animal should be minimized. For example, unusually burdensome walks are to be avoided. The weakening of the immune system by diabetes affects the health status of the dog. In particular, the urinary tract is susceptible to infection. Therefore, regular blood counts and urine tests are advisable.

About every other dog suffering from diabetes also presents cataract, a massive weakening of the eyesight, and even experiences blindness. The correct setting and continuous monitoring of diabetes can slow the formation of turbidity. There is no regression method once the dog presents cataract. Only surgical treatment can help the animal with its sight in this stage. In contrast to human diabetics, complications of the renal nerves are extremely rare in sick dogs.

The monitoring of the blood glucose levels can be done at home. The so-called home monitoring involves drinking and urine, the amount of sugar in the urine and blood being monitored in the long term. The occurrence of a hypoglycemic shock (hypoglycemia) due to low blood sugar levels is also possible in dogs suffering from diabetes. The symptoms of hypoglycemia are severe hunger, restlessness, tremors and convulsions disturbed by movement patterns that can lead to a coma.

A hypoglycemic shock is an emergency and thus must be countered immediately. This can be through food availability, the instilling of a sugar solution into the cheek pouch of the dog or delivery of sugar cubes under the tongue. If these methods are not successful, you should go see a veterinarian right away.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The 10 Myths of Making Money on the Internet

You are bombarded with offers that claim that you can earn money on the Internet quickly and easily every day, often with a 'proven' system. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as you could think. Here is the truth behind the 10 myths about how to build a business on the Internet:

Myth no. 1: It is easy... Everyone does it. 

Of course, a lot of people have tried to start a business online, but how many of them actually held on to it and earned a reasonable profit? It is not unusual when you see the estimates that 85-95% of all Internet businesses fail within the first year. An online business is still a business. The beginning could be more affordable than a traditional 'pave-and-mortar', but an online business also has its own challenges and laws.

Myth no. 2: You only have to work a couple hours a day. 

How many business owners do you know who work only a few hours a day, especially at the beginning of the adventure? You have to learn a lot in order to build a long term profitable online business. Many hours and hard work are needed for each type of enterprise, even on the web.

Myth no. 3: Build a website and conquer the masses. 

Consider this: There are literally billions of sites on the Internet. Your tiny little website must somehow stand out among the rest. This is not an easy task! It is essential that any Internet business owner learns how to compete effectively with the rest of the websites and how to make people really curious and not just those who surf a little continuously, but also those who have a keen interest in your products and services.

Myth no. 4: You can run free! 

An Internet business is still a business and every business requires an investment. Online marketing can be much cheaper, but not everything can be done without costs. Even the very foundations of how to register a domain and to promote your site come with costs you have to pay every year.

Myth no. 5: It is quick. 

Success is not built overnight and very few earn instant profits. Anyone can create a website and launch a website for the business, but they need time to learn how to attract visitors to their pages and then they can turn them into profitable customers.

Myth no. 6: It is perfect because you never have to deal with people. 

The e-mail is certainly a nice tool, but e-mail messages are easy to forget and hard to write. You cannot create a shield between you and the visitors. Even if you do most of your business via e-mail, there will be times when it would be appropriate to talk with someone by phone or even face to face.

Myth no. 7: You have a lot of free time and flexibility. 

You could have these things, but only after you have invested time and effort to get your online business to the point where you do not have to monitor it constantly. Realistically, this may take years. Until then, you have to do what most people do when they build a business: learn to make profits and apply the same rules for a long period of time.

Myth no. 8: You make money even when you sleep. 

Of course you can make money online even when you sleep, but you must learn how the relevant parts of your business are automated before your online business wins a fixed stream of visitors and profitable customers. Even the most beautiful site with the most incredible products is profoundly useless if people cannot find it.

Myth no. 9: You must follow a guaranteed 'system' to become successful. 

There is no such system that can 'guarantee' your success. Not even the very best information in the world can be used unless you use it! You are individuals with particular sets of skills, experience and interests. No 'system' can take care of all the differences.

Myth no. 10: You will make a fortune on the Internet. 

Maybe you will. Are you ready to engage upon this adventure?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Language of the Players in Online Poker Chat Rooms

Online poker rooms put a chat at the disposal of their players so that they can talk to each other and exchange a few comments about the parties and in particular the decisions of play. The chat room makes the game livelier and gives the parties a more user-friendly dimension. Moreover, the language used by players in online poker rooms is quite specific, enabling the creation of a community of players.

Comments on the play of an opponent

Comments during poker games on the internet include the congratulation of an opponent. These comments make the atmosphere more relaxed and help you to meet other players, especially the regulars of the site.These are not included in the basic poker rules but it's a matter of humanity. A good image is important in a poker room if you want to participate in tournaments, especially in private ones. Otherwise, you are put on the black list of unwanted players.

Congratulating a player

Some moves made by you or your opponents throughout the poker games may be particularly impressive and deserve some positive comments and even praise. You can launch a WP or GP standing for Well Played and Good Play when the player has developed an excellent game. In the event that a player has played well but still lost the game, you can find a good formula like GG (Good Game) to congratulate him.
In the event that the game was won after the revival of a player who encouraged everyone to fold, then the abbreviation NB (nice bet) is the most suited. Finally, you can congratulate the player for keeping the right cards in hand and sends him a GD (good hand) or NH (nice hand). A superlative can be added to these abbreviations in the event of a hand or a particularly well played game.

Compassion in case of a bad hand

It is also possible to win a party because of a stroke of luck at the expense of an opponent who had much better cards in his hand. You can send a BS (bad stroke) and stay fair-play and type SRY for sorry or UL for unlucky.
image of online poker.
The forms of politeness

It also happens that players congratulate you on your game when you win certain games but with a certain reserve. Find different abbreviations for sending thanks in response to these congratulation comments. Also, stay friendly. It is important to remain courteous from the moment you come to the table until the moment you leave it. So, do not forget to greet everyone with a simple “Hello, guys,” when you arrive. You will see that it makes all the difference in the world.

Thank the players

When a player sends his congratulations, the least you can do is respond with abbreviations like thx, tx or a simple Thank you. In case you lost the game and a player admits that your game was good, you can answer with YW, which stands for you’re welcome.

Leave the poker table

You should not just go if you have to leave a table after playing for quite a long time, especially if you win. Use the abbreviation GTG for Got to go.

Other phrases used in the poker chat rooms

There are also specific terms you can come across in the chat room. Note that writing in capital letters means that you are shouting. Many players like to announce their game before the showdown to destabilize their opponents. This also applies when two players go all in.

Common pokers expressions

When a player loses the game with a pair of aces in hand, the players usually announce Cracked to express some dismay. As for a player who has bad luck against an opponent, he can always take it with irony by launching a LOL (laugh out loud) or by laughing using an onomatopoeia like Hehe.